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The Anniston Star from Anniston, Alabama • Page 20

The Anniston Star from Anniston, Alabama • Page 20

The Anniston Stari
Anniston, Alabama
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

0 A'- XtraWon 0tir Wcdnesdoy, December 1954 Gains In A Utos, I Expected To Aid Rails Young's Victory, Highs In Stocks Top54 Business KEW YORK (UP) The rise in industrial shares to a new rec v4f i ji iii i it ii il mi i kfw YORK (UP) The na-'section of the country. Eastern tlons railroad! luffered sharp re-jtrunk lines made one of the ductions in revenues and earnings poorest showings. ord high after the 1929 peak had during 1954 but industry spokes- it has been estimated by author- i. t.V ft it-'- il I I vr-' i 7 1 Mv' men look for improved operations native sources that almost one-in the year ahead. fourth of the entire industry's Carloadings ran well below 1953 earnings decline can be traced to as the so-called "rolling" adjust-jihe four biggest eastern systems ment curtailed operations In many alone.

stood for 25 years topped the list of biggest stories in the world of business and finance in 1954. Other big stories of 1954 were HstecJ by the United Press Financial Department as follows: Robert R. Young's spectacular proxy battle ousting the manage ment of New York Central Raa-road biggest proxy fight in the history of finance. Nuclear energy released for Industrial use. Experts predict atomic energy will be used within 1 key industries.

I Losses from passenger opera- Freight volume, the railroads' tlons continued around the is highly year mark and railroad tive to cyclical swings in business, men stepped up their efforts to ithe experts noted. develop high speed, lightweight With construction still booming equipment -that will be more eco- and with activity In such to operate. as steel, coal, and automo-j Ranraod men continued their Stive on the uptick. the outlook is carnpajgn for more freedom in jbrichter than at this tlma a unprofitable servlc ia6- and "up-to-date" laws to replace Aggregate net Income of the tnev call mass fif un. tion'g railroads In 1954 is expected Kni, reffulations -Jt A -f- i a year for producing eieciriciiy.

First tax reduction in 20 years becomes a reality, helping business maintain good profits, and giving moderate relief to individ ual tax payers. which stifle the lndustry'a earn- Automation, gaining strides in 1954, is expected to revolutionize industry within a few years. Department of Justice frowns on proposed merger of Bethlehem run in the neighborhood of $600.000000 compared with in 1953 the best peacetime year since 1929. revenues are estimated at $9,500,000,000. down 11 per cent from the previous year's record high of $10,700,000,000.

The industry presently is In a ing power. The relatively poor showing this year was one of the factors behind the major proxy fights which saw three railroad managements ousted by stockholders. The biggest of the proxy battles 0 'Steel Corp. and Youngstown Sheet Tube as a prelude to what might bed the big merger battle of 1955. oeriod of labor Deace and earnings saw financier Kobert H.

Young 5 About one out of every 143 U.S. school children have crossed ieyes. CROSSES IN THE CHRISTMAS SKY The eternal cross on the steple of St Andrew's Church at Abilene, looms against the transitory cross made in the sky by vapor contrails of B-47 Jet bombers. are being supported in many overthrow the management of cases by special amortization tax Nw York Central Railroad early I savings, industry sources noted. the year.

Young promised bet- Tax experts said the peak bene- earnings for the railroad and. fits from this amortization advan'-lh'eher dividends for tage will be reached in said recently Central stock Thereafter, they said, earnings would be placed on a $2 annual will be pinched as the basis next year, tion runs out. The other two rail proxy battles Generally, trade sources said, resulting in overthrow of the man-railroads in the West and South agernent were the New Haven, and FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! LU fared better than roads in other. the Minneapolis St. Louis.

A WOED TO THE WISE After silencing the loudly persistent bora motorist ta Paris, the police have now embarked on another campaign stains unnecessary noisy motorcyclists. Pa-trolmea are being equipped with special noise-meters which enable them to measure the clatter of a "bike" and offer free adriee how to cut down the noise. At first, no summons is betn given to an offendlngrlder but he'i on his own after that. Here, a noise-tester Is shown at work. fl Woman Reds Shout Loudest Among UN Lady Delegates CHRISTMAS OFFER! ty to bo UNITED NATIONS, N.

Y. Il I An outstanding delegate, repre Some of the harshest anti-Ameri Orange Marmalade Muffins Are Ideal For Afternoon Tea senting the Dominican Republic bO can blasts to echo across U. N. conference tabtes tmsr year Issued the -JL Is Miss to Minerva Bernardino, red haired, energetic, always wearing a hat. Chairman of the Commission on Status of Women, chosen "Wom By GAYNOR MADDOX NEA Food and Markets Editor-Warm orange marmalade muf from the lips of a lady Red.

She is Dr. Gertruda Sekaninova-Cakrtova. head of the Chechoslovakian delegation to the ninth session of the General Assembly. sides down. In Individual molds.

Pour orange-peach gelatin mixture over peaches. Chill until frim. Unmold on salad plates and garnish with salad greens. Serve with mayonnaise-cream dressing. Mayonnaise Cream Dressing: Remember Wife Or Mother On Christmas Day With A Beautiful Gas an or ine Americas, she is a fins for breakfast or afternoon tea to a pleasant winter thought.

The Trim, brunette and attractive, she to member of her country's perma nent delegation to the U. N. and "envoy extraordinary and minister Blend 1-3 cup mayonnaise or salad Is a survivor of concentration camps and a leader of her country's liberation." Gone from U. NV ranks are such soft-spoken women leaders as plenipotentiary. Professor Heard dressing with cup.

whipped cream. DINNER: Turkey LU 1AJ -n Also In the verbal battle for the Communists is Prof. Vera Alexan- hash, corn meal muffins, wild Mrs. Vijaya Lakshml Pandit, last year's president of the General drovna Fomina of the SS TODAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDA plum Jam, fresh vegetable salad, green apple pie, sharp cheese, cof history professor, publisher of recipe comes from a Caiiforman Pat Nixon, wife of the vice president. Orange Marmalade Mnfflns (Makes 1 aosea mnfflns) Two cups sifted all purpose flour, teaspoons baking powder, teaspoon salt, cup sugar, eup shortening, 1 egg, cup milk, Vt cup orange marmalade, Vk cup orange marmalade.

In a bowl, sift flour, baking powder, salt and sugar together. Cut in shortening with a pastry blender or 2 knives until it is about the size of small peas. Add unbeaten egg, milk and eup orange mar Assembly, and Eleanor Roosevelt, former U. S. delegate and chairman of the Human Rights fee, tea, milk.

such works as "Dlalecticx of the 1 pment of Constructive Forces and Industrial Relations Between Societies." and receiver Halt Have Female Delegates Montcomerv Man Dies 60 na-of the banner of the Order of Red Almost nan or tne u.N. Alter Ordeal In ood Hons have female delegate Almost half of the U.N.'s es, but; Labor and the Order of the Red 73 WITH EACH NEW nomi oi mem are memDers or mei3r. iwo preny Dioncies, one LUVURNE (UP) Montgom--assembly's Social Committee, the'from the Ukrai ne, the other from ery poonKeeper wno nas Deen inhuman Rights Commission and i Poland, hold forth In other com mlttees. malade. Then ttiis just enough to moisten the ingredients and blend Although nothing specifically aimed at women was decided at critical condition arter no wan-j Commission on the Status of dered for Several days In dense Women.

Included among them are Crenshaw County woods died yes-; Mrs. Oswald P. Lord, handsome terday at a local hospital. ju. S.

delegate who matched wits Rauden Smith Vann, XI, had with a Communist representative well. 1 this session, the general resolutions on Improvement of econom- Turn tnto greased medium-sized muffin pans, filling them about UN oeen a coma since a searcn on the nrinc es of Lenin, anri ie ennriitlnn discusslons on the 1-3 full. Top each with 1 tea cup nun l'm a0WB Britain's Mrs. Walter EUiot. whose covenants of human riehts.

and spoon of the remaining US uiwi pan a. orange marmalade. Bake la a hot iuyn nave rangea rrom political certainty proposals concerning refugees to freedom of lnforma-disarmament and peaceful uses of WE WILL GIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE lK- atomic energy are of direct in In another committee, a young, terest. pretty New Zealander gave an att Among the women In the U. oven (400 degrees -about 20 to 23 mtnutes, or until golden brown.

Remove the muffins from the pens bnmeoMatety. Serve the hot muffins with butter or marga Maine Police Offer Safety Rhytne, Reason uuirmc a icarnea speecn many diverse professions are (UP) Maine on th continental shelf, the coast- found, including members of Par- PORTLAND. Me. rine Mrs. William Langley of Geor- State Police have offered both waters of countries.

And a tiny liament, doctors of law, health gia, more widely known as Jane i rhyme and reason for safe holiday Indonesian, Miss Laill Roesad. commissioner, social workers used her legan training to help! presidents of women's organiza PIECE SET OF GENUINE WEST BEND, THE NATION'S FINEST, HEAVY ALUMINUM driving. Tke Christmas shonoer. uniangie some or tne many pro- tlons. teachers, writers, and Drive that car so you can stop cwurm tBemet in the trustee- princess who speaks five lan- Pickens, gave us a recipe from her state, using both peaches and peach preserves from your local grocery store.

Molded Peach Salad (Makes fl to I servings) siiiij lummmee. guages and nas bagged 73 tigers 73 er. Bive the finest gift's free Your presence at the family Christmas tree. WATEiLESS $250,000 hi Awards Slated For Teachers In Southland EGG CONTEST DROPPED TUCSON. Ariz.

Mfi The national egg-laying contest for the past 32 years by the UNIVERSITY Two hundred are set up In the following man and fifty thousand dollars a year.ner: One package orange flavored gelatin, 1 cup hot water, 1 cup cold water, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 4 cup peach preserves, 6 to 8 fresh or canned peach halves. cup creamed cottage cheese, crisp salad greens. Prepare gelatin according to directions on the package using hot and cold water. Add lemon Juice. Chill until mixture beings to thicken.

Stir in peach preserves, mixing thoroughly. Meanwhile peel fresh peaches or drain canned University of Arizona has been 'or ten years oeginning in 1955 will An award not to exceed $2 73 mm discontinued. Winner of the final Ro for fellowship awards and, 500 plus amount of tuition and test was the Capital Breeding grants-in-aid to teachers in South-1 fees to applicants (as chosen by Farm of St. Paul, with a em colleges and universities, it Fund officials) who have already pen of white leghorns. 4 was announced this week.

satisfied residence and course re- The grants for advanced study Iquirements for the Ph. D. or siml Students have attributed to go out from the Southern jlar high degree; with qualifying u5 passed; with re- ones. FU1 centers with a generous reports of fish and frogs failing uix.amimuiras amount of cottaee cheese. Iwith rain 'to waterspouts which Council of Southern Univer- search work well under way Arrange peach halves, filled may have sucked up the animals, sities, Inc.

Funds were granted ready to complete dissertation re to the Council by the General Edu- qulrements; VALUE AT $19.95 Look At These Famous Names Maytag, Caloric, Hardwick, Royal, Florence, Modern Maid, Brown, Dearborn, And Others. cation Board. $j(0O0 Award Set Answer to Previous Puxzlo People You Know t9 Purpose Revealed (2) An award not to exceed I The primary purpose of the pro- $2,000, plus amount of tuition and gram is the advancement of teach- required fees to person with quali 09 in ana rescerca in colleges ana fying examinations for m.U., or 'universities In the southern area, similar high degree, passed: re- The recipient of an award may search remaining to be done and ACROSS 58 Sad cry 1 One of the 57 Seine Crosby singing DOWN 4 Dn Arfim'i 1 M- HaiTJ T7TnTn TpMP 6 TSNTFsio'InlT 7 of uatsiiI: carry on his advanced work at an dissertation to be written; appropriate Institution or his own( (3 An award not to exceed $1. choosing, providing his qualifica- 500 plus amount of tuition and re Truman boys LU Anniston's Largest Stock Of Gas Ranges To Choose From, Over 50 Different Models Over Eight Different Makes Anything To Fit Your Needs And Pocketbook. BUTANE OR NATURAL GAS tions and proposed activities are quired fees to person with master's acceptable to the institution se- degree or one year of satisfactory 73 lected.

advanced work 'toward the Ph Dean Marten ten Hoor. a mem- or imilar hieh decree: with resi ber of the administrative Board dence requirements to be met and of the Fund from Alabama, said qualifying exam to be passed; the awards for the coming year with research to be done and dis 23 Clamps 24 Street waif 23 Glacial snow 28 Dental equipment 27 First name 38 Television part 40 Anoint 41 Skeleton 42 Fruit drinks 43 Hoarfrost 44 Persian prince 48 Greek letter 2 Egg-shaped 3 Disparaged 4 "George Washington here 5 Ireland I 6 Sors 7 Color fl Desert plant 0 Dry 10 Arm bone II Dregs 17 Sons 19 Song of triumph First king of Israel 12 Mother of Cain 13 Stead 14 Heraldic band 15 "My Gal 16 Ernest's twin sister 1ft Slid SO Musical passages 31 Make lace edging 22 Wicked sertation to be written. Further information and applications can be procured from Dr. Robert M. Lester, Executive Director.

Southern Fellowshins Fund. PRICES START LOW AS $99.95 TRADE-INS EASY TERMS Place Your Orders Now For Delivery On December 24th Up To 24 Months To Pay! DO NOT START pXyMENT UNTIL 1955 DONT DELAY, SEE US TODAY Merchandise Payoff Backfires On Sponsor LU 28 Sea bird 73 29 Cleopatra had 47 River In one of these Belgian Congo 11 Italian dialect 48 Cut 33 Group of eighUO Health resort BUFFALO, y. (UP) A'po. Box 427. Capel Hill, North business promotion gimmick by -a Carolina.

local department store at American Hockey League games in Buf falo backfired in an odd way. Kevs Found S4 Poker stake 21 Wbathe Andrews sisters art 17 School organization (ab.) so Tell me siore onerea a mercnan- EVANSTON, 111. If When his dise ticket this season to each per- wJf ltXer I is am a A tk a aaaAiiaAaa'a Free Service For One Full Year On Anything We table any puck accidentally hotjmlgWy warcn inio 1 me uoienc. Decided it was hopeless, he sat S3 Sleeps noisily I to read. He selected a book 34 Thoroughfare icrowo aunn a receni contest nrnfrom nelf LIVING BETTER me announcer pui on nis spiei -m wm 1,.

about the merchandise tickets. leaves. 35 Steep slope 30 Sleeping pli 37 Musical directions A few minutes later no less than nine youngsters were lined up eagerly at the table, each holding em There were the keys his wife had dropped on an open book while on a table and later placed on the 31 Number (pL) 1 1 3 A iff" "iT 25 jvrr lLJ TW -Et 3 1 I sr -r-jr-r 5 59 r- 3 a -r I I I I I 1 1 I pJi a puck for the $5 payoff. Fa7 nnc HEFLIN STORE EAST MAIN ST. PHONE 3751 421 NOBLE ST.

DIAL AD 7-6665 OR AD 7-2921 shelf, 40 Hurt 41 Mr. Franklin lAHUj(J 42 Amphitheater Speeders Wholesale RICHMOND, Va. uf)- Virginia Eiliiented Car Tage LANSING. Mich, on Mlchl- 73 44 Tumultuous 4f Size 81 Honey 83 Boy's name 83 Top of the head 14 Samuel's teacher Wittered gan's 1955 auto licenses plates are iState Police arrested 8,161 per-green and white. The colors are sons for speeding In the first four (hose of Michigan State College, months of the use I of radar to which will celebrate its 100th an- check the speed of automobiles.

niversary in 1935. The 1954 tags maize and blue, showed the colors Some stars are 10 times as hot FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! of the University of ULciiigaa. las the sua..

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