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The Anniston Star from Anniston, Alabama • Page 3

The Anniston Star from Anniston, Alabama • Page 3

The Anniston Stari
Anniston, Alabama
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

tbs Axmroir rvxzmro nix juit 37. mm. page 3. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 11 1 1 NORFOLK'S DECLARATION OF RIGHTS. INTERESTING LETTER WRITTEN BYAS0TABLEW0KAS A CONVENIENCE Few People Know it Antedated Both the Mecklenburgjand Philadelphia Declarations of Independence-First Opposition to the Stamp Act.

Welcome rJ ill i a ir to the said Act (which 1 pregnant with ruin and productive of the most pernicious consequence and unwilling to rivet the shackles of Slavery and Oppression on ourselves and million yet unborn, have unanimously come to It is just as easy to become a customer of this band as to deal at a grocery store. There is no formalties, and small accounts are welcomed, just as they are at any business establishment. This being the case why should any one not embrace the conveniences and privilegef of a bank account First National Bank, Anniston, 1 i I I till lit 144 l-I-M-I- I Round Trip Summer nnrl Convention Rates Simply as a matter of convenience it is well worth while to open an account in this bank. 1 But when you consid er that absolute safety Is secured as well, it Is a matter of busl ness method. Capital $100,000.00.

Sffrpfos 35,000.00. Rcsotrrccs trot $350,000.00. City National Bank Anniston. I GROCERIES i fi a I Round trip Summer Excursions from all points East to Pacific Coast and Northwest from June 1 4 to Sep. 15, with special stopover privileges, good 4 returning to Oct, 31, .1906.

3 Use the splendid through service of the 6 1 SOUTHERN PACIFIC from New Orleans; UN- ION PACIFIC from Kansas City or Chicago. 1 Through Pullman. Tourist cars from Washing- ton, Atlanta, Montgomery, etc. and from St. Lou- is and Chicago to Calif ornia.

Write me for literature R. O. Bean, T. PA. J.

F. Van Rensselaer rl i 111! 1111111. I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 t. I 1 1 111. 11 I II 1 I I I I I I I I till' and information.

G. W. Ely, T. P. A.

Agt. IU PF.A.CHTREK Ht. 1.11111 11 11 1 1 1 til 11 1 14 4 4 I i Int. if 1 if 1 iTnf HATS until sold. 19 E.

10th St. I 4hf mm wmmmmmmm Itrtv Itnk Kslloft oT DraYtw, Color Bmtw of th Woman BUr oorpo, MU Tbanka to Mrs. PtoJttuua. Th followlof latter ws written bv lira. Kellogg, of 103S Linooln Av Denver, Col.

to Mra. Pink-fa am.Lyva.MM Dwu-Mrs. ltnkhunj, For five var I was troubled wit a A4rlJrhl9Vofll www rhwij WN groat mental deprassioa. 1 was unable to at-isnd to my bouse work, and Ut became burden to me. Iwaaeonflnedfordaystomybsd, lost my appetite, uy eouraa and all bopa, I could not bear to think of an operation, and In any distress I tried every remedy whlcfc 1 thought would of any use to nia, and reading of the value of Lydia B.

Ptnkbam' Vegetable Compound to sick woman derided to give It a trial 1 felt so discouraged that I bad tittle nope of recovery, and wben I began to feat better, after the second week, thought It onlr meant temporary relief but to my great surprise I found that I kept gaining, while the tumor lessened In sisa. i The Compound continued to build up my Iteoeral health and th tumor seemed to be absorbed, until, in seven month, the tumor was entirely gone and I a well woman. 1 am so thankful for my recovery that 1 ask you to publinh my latter in newspapera, soother women may know of the wonderful curative power of Lydia K. PinU-uu' Vegetable Compound. When woman, art troubled with Irreg-.

alar or painful period, weakness, dia- placement or ulceration of the female organ, that bearing-down feeling, la flammaelon, backache, flatulence), general debility. Indigestion or nerou pruabraiiuu, vuuy euuuiu rcmrmwi there la one tried and true remedy. Lydla E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Coin pound at once remove such trouble. No other medicine In the world ha received uch widespread and unqualified endorsement.

No other medicine baa uch a record of cure of female Mr. Pink-ham Invite all eick women to write her for advice. She 1 daughter In-law of Lydla E. Plnkbam and for twenty-five year under her direction and alnce ber decease baa been advising nick women free of charge. She haa guided thousand to health.

Address, Lvnn, Mas. Remember that It la Lydla B. Pink ham' Vegetable Compound that la cur- Ingwomen, anddon tallow anyoruggiat to aell you anything elae la It place. Different Kind of Pet. Handsome Teung Woman Had Borne thins; Better Than Dog to Lov.

When th thin woman In th loni gray ulster sat down In the subway car opposite the fat woman holding bright little Scotch terrier, It could be wen at once that they had points ol common Interest, and that these point ut common Interest consisted of dogs, roiates tbe New York Press. "What a dear little fellow he Is," chirped the thin woman. "Isn't be a dear?" cooed the fat woman, smuggling her pet so closely that he had to snlS for breath. "Mine Is a Trench poodle," answered tho thin womnn. "I hear those gray terriers are coming Into style, "Yes, they're all tbe rage," paid th fat woman.

"I had to give up fifty rot Sandy." A handsome young woman who occupied tbe seat by the thin woman was an Interested listener to the colloquy. Phe was good-looking enough to at tract attention anywhere, and sh looked as If she loved everything that war worth loving In this world, In- eluding dos. Shs leaned over and gave Sandy head an affectlontite pat, rnd Sandy tried to lick her gloved rand. "You love dogs, too?" said th fat woman. "Oh, yes," was the reply, "who could helf.

It?" "Whut kind I yours?" came th saner query. "Mine? Oh, I haven't any. Mine I buby." Ami the rat womin and the thin wtman rallied their brow, turned up their wises and ftrew cojdly silent, fls If some one had said something to shock their sens of modesty. tpon't he Backward. Do not hesitate to ask for a free sample of Chamberlain' stomach and Liver Tablets.

We are glad to give thera to anyone who is troubled with bilious ness, constipation, or any disorder of the stomach. Many have been per manently cured by their use. J. L. Wi- kle.

World's Largest Boom. The largest room In the world utJdet one roof and unbroken by pillars li In St. Petersburg. It Is C2D feet long by 150 feet In breadth. By daylight tt Is used for military displays, an whole battalion can completely nu neuver in it.

By night wm tapers give It a beautiful appearano. The roof Is a single arch of iron. Olrl IefeeU Father. In Colusa county, California, recent ly, Miss Florence Berker ran against ber father, F. Berker, the lncum bent, for the office of school trustee.

and beat him after a hot campaign, She did It beeaaae she had heard bet rather Intended to oust a femali teachor who wa a friend of hers. This Is what erery hotmkeepef wants NORFOLK, July 27. Few but the most diligent student of American history know that Norfolk patriot! denied the right of Great Britain to ta the colonies without representation over two months before the promulgation of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, and nearly five month before the thirteen colonies met at Philadelphia and formally renounced the authority of Great Britain. Yet, a far back as March 13, 1774, a number of Norfolk citizen assembled under tho name of "Son of Liberty," and announced, in resolution of boll and certain terms, their determined opposition to any enroachmente of British authority on their right to gov ern themselves under the British crown. Thus the city which is today attract ing the atteution of the world through its connection with the Jamestown Tercentennial Exposition, to lie held next year on the shores of Hampton Roads, nearby was the first locality in this Jieinisphero to assert the right of aclf- Ifovernment.

These Norfolk people did notdeclare their Independence; they expressly af firmed their wish to be subjects of King George III. They merely de clared that there should be no taxation without representation. Among the many prominent Norfolk names at tached to the document are Henry Tucker, Robert Tucker, Robert Titckur Maximilian Calvert, Thomas Butt, Thomas Willoughhy, John Taylor, Joseph Hutching, and James Par ker. The resolutions adopted read as fol lows: "Having taken into consider tion the evident tendency of that op pressive anil unconstitutional Act of Parliament commonly called the Rtamp Act, anil beind desiriou that our sentiments should be known to Posterity, snd recollecting that we are a part of the coolny who first in General Assembly openly expressed their detestation May Liv 100 Tear. The chance for living a full century are excellent in the case of Mr.

Jennie Duncan, of Haynnsville, now 70 rears old. She writes: "Electrl Bitters cured me of Chronic Dyspepsia of 20 years standing, and made me feel well and strong a a young girl" Elec trie Bitters cure Stomach and Live diseases, Blood disorder, General De hility and bodily weakness. Sold on a guarantee at West End Drug Co. Elara Ordway ft Houser. Price only 50c.

0" Sultan' Favorite Paatima. The sultan of Turkey la fond of wlt egging good conjuring and many entertainer pausing through Constantinople are InvUed to appear before hi majesty. Not only la a bandaouie aura paid them, but presents are given which are frequently worth much more than the monetary reward. The entertainments' take place In a magnificent apartment so built that the ladles of the harem can look through small grating let into series of private boxes. Row to Make Sponge Cake.

Go to the drug etore and get a nice (etder sponge that ha been trethly picked. Then break four eggs lo a dih and wh'to for half an hour. Many people And pleasure In reading soiut llh rork, uch Bertha Clay "Only ui Old Klraona," while performing thi menial duty. After the eggs takeon appearance of a sea foam fill up aii tti-holea in the sponge. Bake in a hot oen then give It tot'aecat.

Monatries In Delp-itim. The number of convents and teries la Belgium, uu 1 especially Bruges, has ItiTeaied with wnnrlerfu. rapidity. In there were In stltutrns lu the country with a n.en, bershlp of 12on men sod Ir. 1900 there were 2.f inctltuf Ions with membtr.ship of Pra tb aliy one-thir the bulldicgo lu Brug; bcicn to religious eoclatlw.

Ws In Poor Health Por Yean. Ira W. Kelley. of Mansfield, Pa, wiitcs: "I was in poor health for two years, suffering from kidney and blad der trouble, and spent considerable money consulting physician without obtaining any marked benefit, but was cured by loFIey' Kidney Cure, and I desire to add my testimony that it mny be the of restoring the health of others. 't Refuse substitute.

Elam Ordway Houser. If you need a dray, 'phone R. (j. Wataon, No. 72.

the following resolutions: "lv Resolved, That wo acknowledge our Lord and Sovereign, King George the Third, to lie our rightful and lawful king and that we will, at all time, to th utmost of our power and ability, support and defend hi most sacred Person, Crown and Dignity; and shall way be ready, when constitutionally called upon, to assist his Majesty, with our lives and fortunes; and to Defend hi just rights and Perogatives. "2. Resolved, That we will by all lawful Ways and Means which Divine Providence has put into our hands, de fend ourselves In the full enjoyment of, and preserve inviolate to Posterity, those Inestimable privileges of all froo born British Subjects of being taxel only by representatives of their own choosing; and of being tried by none but a jury of their Peers. And thnt if we quietly Hiiliiuit to the execution of the said st.iinp act all our claims to Civil Liberty ill be lout, and we an I our Subjects in America are deprived of the invaluable Privilege aforemen tioned. "3.

Resolved, That a committee be appointed who slmll In such mnncr as they think proper, go upon necessary Business and make public the above Resolutions, and that they correspond they shall nee occasion with the Associated Hons and Friends to, iUi-erty, in the other British Colonies in America." As a result of th adoption of these resolutions Lord Dunmore, who commanded the British fleet off Norfolk, made a demonstration before the city, and several shots were fired from the frigate Liverpool mid a couple of sloops of war which accompanied her. Polaonou Primrose. The London Lancet notices the death of a woman from a scratch on the nose, received while smelling a variety of primrose originally brought from central China. Tbe Lancet say It 1 not th first case of th kind. Long-Lived People.

Brain workers are proved, by statistics, to be long lived. Five hundred and thirty eminent men and women were taken as a and their duration of life gives an average of about 68 years. Against th Motorist A woman in Paris who brought an action against th owner of a motor car which splashed her clothes with mud, has been awarded damages. The judge ruled that pedeatrlana ad a right to be protected from mud. Half the World Wonder Flow th other half lives.

Those who use Bui'klen's Arnica Balve never wonder if it will cure Cuts, Wounds, Burns, Sores snd all Rkin eruptions; they knur it will. Mrs. Orsnt Hhv, 1130 Reynolds Springfield, says: rey-nrd it one of the absolute necessitie of housekeeping. Ousrsnteed by West End Drug and Llam, Ordway i. lluuser.

Alpine Hallway. A wonderful mountain railway I being constructed In the Tyroleie Alp by a 8wl engineer named Struhb, of Cl3rns, near Montreux. When completed this line will achieve tbe European record, which has been held op to now by the Btauserhorn rail way, for traversing the steepest moun tain slop In the world. Spanish Bridal Custom. In accordance with Spanish custom, King Alfonso will present his bride with her wedding dress (which la be Ing made In a Madrid convent), and Ave other gowns.

Still following the Spanish custom, the bride will provide all the house linen for her new home. Unaccountable. somebody wants to know what strange perversity It Is that makes New Yorkers who call New York "Noo York" pronounce coupon as If It were "newpon." But long ago gave up trying to account for the va garies of New Yorker. Boston Globe Shirtwaist will never look well if it isn't well laundered. Not one person in 500 can launder a shirtwaist so it will look well.

We can. We guarantee to. All of our shirtwaists are carefully washed with a special neutral soap; starched just where they should be starched and ironed by experts who have made shirtwaist ironing a special study. We are pleasing the most careful dressers in the city with our shirtwaist work and are sure we can please you. May we have a trial? Anniston Steam Laundry 1 1..1..1.

iff iTufiifi TiiT.if tiTfnfiiti Otrt lint of groccttts arc not only trp-to date, twt arc ALWAYS rntSH. Yo gtt ex- A actly what yoa want tCatcrGrocoryCoY Pnonc 22. 1. Under th laws of AJabejnn! tbl ompany I spowr4 do a Meeptt trust from iadividaaba, and aett a trustee; It fieeutor, Administrate yn'ini, I Pay intereet en traat faad Lena ony on real eetate. anniston IfllU Mull.

kUAn vuMrAnr, 4) ML B. WBLLBOIK, TnAmK Htii-Hiiimn it FOR CHOICE I I NATIVE UEATSt PHONE 405 Wis rSnnla nafivA nrmim 9T MEN'S AND BOYS' I STRAW 4 At half pricfe, Aderhold Phone 168. St Your Anting at Home all kinds Beef, Pork, Lamb, Mutton and Kid, Mr meats are first class and I sell cheaper than any eV market on the East rude afo Lot Us Do It For You, Our guarantee is that we will give you as good work for as low a price as you can get reliable printers away from here to do the same work, and you keep your money at home, too. le railroad. 4 1515-W.

15tb Street R. O. Watson, coal ind.woodU. 'Phone 72. WIGLEY MOORE Noble Street The Printers.

Telephone No. 80. -Mil 1 1 1 1 lIl'M.

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