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The Anniston Star from Anniston, Alabama • Page 9

The Anniston Star from Anniston, Alabama • Page 9

The Anniston Stari
Anniston, Alabama
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


S4S AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR IMPROVEMENTS ON NO. lE RE ET FROM THE fiQAiS; PROPERTY LINE OF SEVENTH STREET TO THE SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF FOCRTH STREET. AND ON FOURTH STREET FROM-THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF NOBLE eft) x. r-r a riufi a .7 assurance of cm(oUbte credit There vaa a little ice on th.Mreet. whlch tn ae-so she canled a pal full of hea alM pUyM an classified: ADVERTISING Rales: Cash In A oe This typ 2c a word THIS TYPE COSTS 4c A WORD per cent discount for 4 Insertions.

10 per cent dlioount (or Cor more insertion. READ DAILYUSE DAILY WANTED i ANTED Yoh to anow the General Foundry Co. nr.aka grey Iron castings of any kind (or any purpose. Phone 151 F. O.

Bos T4. WANTED To make that old mat trcaa new. Annlston Mattress 'i -Co. Phone H71-W. Aleiantfria si Kond.

l-t( WANTED Your moving i In city or nearby cities for low-rrT ratea. Call 14U-W. If W.VNTED More young ladles and young men to accept re-aponslbU positions In the business Wld. Postal will bring (ult ln- formation. Annlston Business Col-ege.

2l-tf JV ANTED Two unfurnished, r1 light housekeeping rooms. Call fJ0J-Wv j.Jtp "VANHifc To upholster or recover your auto City Top Moor Avehue. MISCELLANEOUS RELIABLE photographs. ouscannot--'knowhoV'' long any photograph will last. At best you can only trust to the reputation of the man who makes it.

Worth thinking of. Russell Bros. 42 years in An-niston.) 15-10tp Fertilizer For Sale None butter than Calhoun brands. Ask your Grocery Store to send you sack for our garden and Inwn Ctilhoiin Fertilizer Co. Phone No.

1 I'liono 125fi Oxford or Annlston 14-cp ISOTKTJ All persons who own and keep dugs within the City of Annlston are hereby notified thut such doc or tlogs must 'be duly against Rabies; by the City Meat ami Milk Inspri Inr, applica lion laust lit mini" to lio City Clork ut Hie City lull for registration ami license tat, on or before May 10th, KegiHtratlon wflr1e maHe tiy Crty CTeTk oii presentation of a rcrtifttato of "nocu In ion from the Meat and Milk Iriepcctor nd payment of a registration fee of $1.00. Fa 1 1 lire to comply with ho above Is unlawful ftn1 iurilhable by a fine of not less than 1.00 nor more than $25 i)t. W. A. NEAL.

City Meat and Milk Inspector 2i-cp SS C- US nbout land ttttes. Land 1 Ui. lUiiupanji A a-; ni.ston National Bank Hiilldlnrf. 28-cp PAINT now. Let me figure your requirements.

H. E. Thomas, Master Painter. Day phone 53, night phone. 1649-L-2.

18-6tp .1. K'OTICH OF PETITION TO SELL LAND BY ADMINISTRATOR I "OH PAYMENT OF DEBTS To Joe E. Johnson, Houston, Texas, Frank P. Johnson, Martin-dale. Texas, John W.

Johnson, Gonzales. Texaa. Josle J. Johnson Blare, Bhreveport, Robert C. Johnson, Mitchell, Virgle "Johnson.

Big Lake, Texas, William A. HcarbrouBh. LIUIa Roc)t. Ark Robert C. Hayes.

"charlotte. N. John Sadler Hayes, of Charlotte, Elevanaw Hayes, of Charlotte, N. C. Francis B.

Hayes, Hayes, Charlotte, N. Thomas C. Hayes. Charlotte. N.

C. Ethel Hayes. Charlote. N. 8adie Hal-stead, Hudson, N.

Clara Nail Parker, St. Cloud, Florida, Allen Hayes, Addresa unknown, Notice la hereby given that Charles D. Kline, administrator of the estate of John Knox Hayes, ha (lied a petition In th Probate Court o( Calhoun County. AUba. tn for tho sale o( land o( aald estate forthe payment of debt, and the- Court has appointed th II day of May, 1928, for hedrlng aid petition.

THOMAS W. COLEMAN, Judge of FrobAt Court. II 21 10 cp SPRING Photographs. The new styles are most attractive. Let us show you, Russell Bros.

Up-to-date photographers. v20-5tp E. C. Cole, general automobile repairing, 1129 Court 6U, phon III. X7-7tp SWANTT ADS I PAY f) WANT ADS PAY We're Doubtful About FOR SALE Fine hardy chrysanthemums.

Mrs. J. Ct. Tyler. No: Eat 8..

-rhone 13S0. -I lT-tf FOU HALE Fresh milk rnwi. Thone H7. Forney Thrasher. 2i-4tp FOU SALE Bargain in a practically new Bufh lients piano.

Call 149 or see Lcmaster. 2330 Gurncc. 20-30 tp FOU SALL Registered white col- lie pup. C. L.

Jenkins, Oxford, Alabama: Thone 2321. 23 4tj FOR RENT FOR RENTStore room; at 10L' West 10th street. Call Iva Cook. 26-tfi FOR RENT Modern, 8 room real- 1 dence, 2 baths, double garage, convenient, desirable location. Ideal (or home, roomers or two nice email families.

Call 210 day, 219 night and Sunday. 18-7tp FOR RENT Eight room, two etwjr house, East 1th St. Four room cottage. 2219 Moore. Phone H.

B. Dent. 1474. 22tf FOU RENT Three upstairs rooms. 1(13 Lelghton.

Have gas connections, lights, water, phone and garage furnished. Call 788-J. 22-ilp FOU 11ENT Apartment at 110 Qulntard. Immediate possesion. Heat and Water furnished, prtco liO.00.

21 23 21 cp FOR RENT House, 2209 Gurnce. Phone 1319-J or see V. I. Bond. 23-3tp FOR RENT Upstaira, unfurnished, apartment.

Private bath. Reasona ble. -phone 1 2 2-W. 13 IS 27 cp MONEY TO LOAN MONET TO LEND On Improved city properly. No delay.

O. H. Parker and Co. Phon 21. TO LOAN 11500 on City property.

M. C. Sterne, phone COS. 23 Stp "LOANS NEGOTIATED SEVEN PER CENT net to lender. To lend or borrow on city prop-arty, ae Ana Bibb.

l-tf LOST STOLEN Ford Sedan. Phone J. T. Coleman, 1531-W. 1 22-2tp FOUND ITflTTIMn Tha TKaaf i to buy lovely-Darwin Tulips and gorgeous purple Iris.

Call 79 day and 57-J Oxford after 6 o'clock. 22-5tp MISCELLANEOUS KODAKS kodaks kodaks. This is kodalc season. We have some special prices to new customers. Russell Bros.

20-6tp EVER try th easy-writing Royal A elemonrtratJOB of, thl type, writer will pat It above all other In your tlmatlon. Fhon Rakeatraw, 12TI-W for demonstration. 11-cp FRIENDS THE WEATHER I 0. 8. Department Of Agrtcuhare, Weather Boreaa Forecast: For Annlston and vicinity: Tartly cloudy tonight and Saturday; not much chance in temperature.

Iixal Data Rain for last 24 hours, 01. Humidity: Noon yesterday, II: 7 a. m. today, tl. Temperature: High yesterday.

79; low today, 42. AI.0UMENTS I'ULilllUALi All political advertising Is ch In advance. This rule will ot be violated tn any Insutnc. i A KM I hereby announce myself as a candidute for member of the Hoard of Revenue, of Calhoun County, from the 3rd District, sub- iu uriiiiniKuo primary, lour i vote un influence will, be appreciated. Nunnollfy.

by W. H. Nunnelley. Ohatfhle. 19-cp IiOYS 3 to 1.1 as um 1U yarda Inch sheetluu cts.

Lailies llats $1.49 to Men summer undej-woar 49 Vts to cents. Men's heavy well mnde over alls $1.25 to 11.98. Linoleum i ug. 69 for 1 3.9 j. Beautiful as- j.inl.

Wiley Johnston's two store. Sam-Powers Stand and 101 Cht 22-tf lOlli at. A UMI I STIl ATOIl'K SALE By virtue of a decree rendered in the Probate Court Calhoun County, Alabama, on Slh day of April. 1211. In a cans therein pending by the undersigned ss administrator of the cstat of 'William He vnughn to sell lands of snld decedent for payment of debts, I will sell In front of th Calhoun County Court House, to the Jijghe twecri the' legal hour of ai' on 2nd day of May, 1126.

that certain real estate of eatd decedent described as follows: Lots No. I and No. 4, In block a shown on map of Cotton Really Company, survey of Wellington, in Wellington. Alabama. Also lot No.1 1 and No, 2.

In block In th division lot of th Cotton Really Company, survey at Wellington. Alabama, all of said land being In Calhoun County, L. F. KIRBY. Administrator Estate William 9 16 22 ep Loans Made on Real Estate will help you buy or build a home oa th "Building and loan plan." Par for your hone with aaay monthly payment.

Anniston Banking Loan Company ARTHCR WELIJJORfT. Pretidenl Commercial National Bank BaUdlac 1 1 40 1 latUrtt RmJ Srrk GOODYEAR The Home Influence afffl r.F...,n...,K mi went, ror th return she borrowed another pail of ashes from her hostess. Firfwrai for nr uo Warren. O. Traffic Policemen i Leo M.

Dixon recently saved a trail and elderly woman from; death in th treet. She offeru.I I Mm money. Ho 'efused. The next day a florist delivered a car rMtion to Dixon as he stood on his post, and told him that' he had a RtRiidlni; order to deliver a freMi carnation to him every morn In as long as ho and the woman h't rescued were alive. city of A.wiyrox t)ril hia nee No.

8 1.1-A AN ORIXNANCE TO FIX AND ESTABLISH THE URADK' OK CERTAIN HIUIIWAYH HEREIN-AFTER NAMED IN THE CITY OF ANNISTON. I BE- IT flRDAINTCtT t-y- the 'Cir Council of the City of Annlston a follows: That the grado of Noble Street from tlm Mouth property line of Seventh Street to the south property line of Fourth Street, and of Fourth Street from the west property line of Noble Street for a distance of 5 feet west, and of the curbs und gullm to be constructed along tb aliov named lilxhway under Improvement or dinance No. 213, adopted this the 22nd day 4.f"Ail. I 24, d- ii hereby Is, fixed and eMabllnhed aa shown by Profile Sheet No. 25 heretofore prepared by tho City Engineer and exhibited at HUM meeting of the City Council, which la hereby adopted, approved and ordered to be filed In the office of the City Engineer.

Adopted the 22nd day of April, 192. Approved the 1 3rd day of April, 1920. Mayo.r. Attest: O. WARD, City Clerk.

22-ltp one-half block In each direction. nd b) The cost of the Improvements arorcaatd between th railroad tracks. including swluhes and turnout on Fourth Street and for th space o( eighteen (III Inches on each aide, of Aald tracka. a hereinabove provided, ahall be assessed against and form a lien on aald railroad end th' property connected therewith a provided In Section Sill oHnl Cod orAta-bama of 1923, and (c) No assessments hereunder hall exceed in amount th coat of th improvement aforesaid or th Increased value of th property so Improved arising by reason of special benefit derived from aald Improvements. Section I.

Th estimated cost of said Improvement la $19,635.16 according to th estimate mad by th City Engineer which 1 hereby approved and adopted. Section I. Th City Council will meet In tho Council Chamber In tho City Halt in th City of Annls-toa, Alabama, on Thursday, May 11,4121, at 1:09 o'clock P. M. (or th purpos o( hearing any objection, remonstrance or protests that may bo mad agalnat said Improvements, th manner of making (ho mm or the character of material to be used therefor.

Adopted the 22nd day Of April, 1121. Approved th Slrd day of April, 1121. SIDNEY J. REAVES, -Mayor. Atteat: W.

O. WARD, City Clerk. II II cp By Blosser 8S FKET WEST OF NOBLE STREET. UK IT firiDAINEI) by the City Council of the City of Annistsm as follows: Section 1. That a thirty-four foot roadway be constructed along the center line of Noble Street from the north property lino of KIMh Street to the south property line of Fourth Sjtreet by constructing a strip of paving seven and one-half (7 1-2) feet wide on each aide of the roadway heretofore constructed on Noble Street, within" the limits aforesaid.

Section That a forty-foot loadway be laid and con-trucUd ulone the center line of Fourth Street from the west property line of. Noble Street west along Fourth Ktreet for it distance of eight hun- died Minty-fivc (8Gu) fet. SECTION 3. That combined curba uul si it iutucs thick, curbs to be eight (k) Inches high and gutters twenty-four (14) Im hvs wltlf, ttt UIJ und construct rd of Portland cement concrete alonK the en it and wHt lines of the pa.vtri: iicntofore laid on No l.le Ktreci from liie Month property tlii' fj viiitli Ktreet to the north propeil) line of HlMh Hlrret, and nbro on -ach nidf of the hereinabove prutitleil for In wo- hereof, eieept that pnrlloti ut Fourth Street betn the tracks and for tluhlecn (IS) Itiehts on each ldo of the tracks of tho ruHwuya crossing sail Fourth tret. curb lines uf Inter-seetliitf streets to be connected with curb and gutter of 15-foot radius.

Section 4. The ruadwaya aforesaid shall be paved with one and one half (1 1-2) Inch Kentucky rock asphalt, or with two (2 Inch Inch asphiiltlc concrete, laid either on a five Inch Portland cement concrete bnae on tla-lnch ricon-iljCMiptCd alaCiMUfftt. termlned by the Council after bid for said Improvement liave been received and considered, and pro vided further that that portion of Fourth Street between the railroad track thereon and th space between said track and for eighteen (IS) Inches on each side of said tracks, Including switches and turnouts, ahall be paved with approved ralhoad imvtng. Section 5. That all entrance to lot abutting on tho highway aforesaid where th sidewalk are paved ahall paved (or a width of lour JO (eel with Portland ment ooncret aldewalk paving (or th full width of th aldewalk, and all driveway Into lot and allay, way ahall be paved with Port, land oement ooncret paving alx (I) Inch thick th full width o( the sidewalk and, gutters.

That vltrlfleAl clay dralnag pipe. Inlet and manholee of brlok with cast Iron cover (hall be con structed along aald highway within th limit aforesaid. Section That aald Improvement shall be mad in accord anee with th established grade en file In the office cf th City Engineer (or th abovementioned portion o( aald highway, and according to full details, drawing, plana, pacification and survey of aald work and stimatei heretofore prepared by tha city Engl, near and on fil in hi offlc at th City Hall in Annlston, where property owner who may affected by aald Improvement may see and mln tha earn. Section 7. Tha cost of aald Improvement ahall be assessed against th lota, pareela of land and property abutting aald por.

tion of aald hlghwaya to lm proved hereunder; provided how. ver: 1 (- (a) The cost of Improvement at or pon hlghwaya or alley Intersec tion shall bo a sssd agalnat th lota or parcel of land abutting on The defense completed It case In the suit of Sarah Sharp aa administrate of th estate of Marvin Eberhart against the Houston Construction company for IfO.OOo damage, growing out of the death of Eberhart, who waa killed in an accident on Choceolocco creek bridge on the Oxford Talladega highway Sunday Slay 10, II shortly before noon Thursday, Rebuttal began Immediately and waa expected that Ut Frldar would see the case In th hand of the Jury. The testimony In the Sharp case has been In a great measure the same a that presented In the case company for th same amount redress for the death ot Mi Bee- si Canada, killed at the same tlm and In the same manner that Eber. hart met his death. Friday morning the question aa to whether or not Eberhart had been drinking Immediately previous to the accident waa the principal battle between opposing at torneys.

Melvln L. Martin testified In the Canada suit and again In tb Sharp ault that he had had a drink of Intoxicating beverage wUk Eberhart tybrtly prior to the accident. Frlflay morning wltnesse who had aeen Eberhart and hid talked to him about 4 o'clock on th Sunday afternoon on which ho wa killed about o'clock testified thut If he had been drinking ho did not show It. HI conduct, they aald. waa that of a.

sober man, and they declared they could smell no Ibjuor on him. Eberhart and Miss Canada wero killed when the auto tn which they were travelling struck a wire us-ponded across the Choccoloceo creek bridge. Tho wire, it wa th- radiator xkvc th windshield, th top and th stser Ing wheel from th car and catch lng its occupants just below th nock flung from the moving oar to Instant death. I ANNISTON BOY i- IS VICTOM OFj BLOOD POISON Clyde Sherman Passes Away In Gadsden Hospital; To BeJ Buried Here Tomorrow Clyde Sherman, 21, well knows man of thl city, died -I Oadsden at th Oeneral hospital Thursday night at 7:10 o'clock following an illness of several days. Several week ago young Sherman reoeivod a scratch on hlo log that became Infected and later devel.

oped gangrene which was tho cause ot his death. Mr. Sherman waa member of th Annlston lodge number 4S Knights of Pythias and several other organisations her. IU many friends wer grieved to learn fit hut death. For number of ara Sher niun wa connected with the local operation of Alabama Powei company.

Last fall wept to At-tails and took charge of th pip line of th Alaba.maT' Water com-panitn that city. Ho had been thero alnce last (all Installing new pip line for th company snd sustained a email scratch on hi Ug which later was the cause of blood poison. Th funeral will ho conducted from th residence ISO I Christine avenue Saturday afternoon at two o'clock. Rev. James T.

McGlettilia pastor of Parker Memorial Bap-tlst church, will be In charge of th ervice. Intermnt will mad In cemetery. The local order, of th Knight of Pythias will In charg of th service at th I'gllbearer win taken from th Annlston lodge number Knight of Pythta of which tne deceased was a member. Surviving ar hi father. Sherman on brother.

Oayl bner-man Annlston. on sister. MrS T. O. VoBelgesang o( Annlston.

and his grandmother, Mre. Athea Slier-man. of three ate brother and thre tep lstr. BUCKHORN NEWS I Mr. and Mra Oscar Hayes and the latter' little sister.

Ruth and Maudeen, made a trip aero Horse Block mountain by automobile r- "Stand Mrs. Alex Own wen th Sunday guest ot Mr. and Mrs. O. Qwen.

Mr Wood and two nephew visited Mr. and Mr, -N. B. Wood Sunday. i J.

Mr, and Mr. Howard Odell apent Sunday with th former's parent. Mr. and Mrs. BUI Odell.

Mr. and Mr. Knox Adams wr the Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. T.

F. Hughes. Mr. and Mr. M.

Own. C. F. Owen and little son Harold visited Mr. and Mr.

John Grosan on Sunday blow Talladga. Mr. Mamie Adam and children apent Sunday nlfiht with her mother. Mrs. Mary Owen.

i A large number (rom this plac has been attending court at An-nlston this week, C. F. Owen and Arthur Hurith visited Mr. McOauntt Tuesday night top ot th towr and th persr.i who find tt recelv 10 cents fro. i the merchant whoa nam It 'i rle.

A reervolr carrle eno ball for three weeks. New York. April IS. (United Press) Under the upward im. pulae derived from the lowering of the rediscount rate of the federal reserve bank ot New York to 1-2 per cent from 4 per cent stock mounted to.

new high levels on the current recovery In today's session. Short were entirely unprepared (or this reduction and were forced to bid price up on themselves on their effort to extricate themselves from an unprofitable' position. Retirement of contracts for the decline waa th principal Influence oecnne wa ino principal inuucncs i Amv'n rallv nartlcul- rl in dlvldend-oavlntr rails such as B. and New York Central. C.

and O. and Atchison. Th market closed higher closing price Included: AIM Chalmers K2 1-2: American Beet Nucfir 2S 1-2; American Can Com. American Car Fdry. Common 99; Amer.

I.ocomotiv Common 100 3-4; Amer. Smelt. A Ref. Com. Ill 1-2: American Sugar Raf, It; Amer.

Tel. A Tel. Co. 141 1-2; American Woolen II 1-2: Atchison Common vi 1-4; Atchlaon Pref. 1-S; unldwin Locomotive 107 i-S, Chesapeake A Ohio 125: Cru cible Steel C9; Lu Pont 201 1-4 Oeneral Klectilo 201; Oeneral Motors 124 1-1; Goodrich 51 1-2: Illi nois Central 120 I-t; Paper 49 1-2; Kennecott Ctpper 62 York Central 3-1; Pennsylvania Rr.

S3 1-2; Reading Common S3 7-8! Republic Iron Steel Com. 51 3-4; Sinclair Oil gl t-4: Southern Ity Common IU 1-2; Southern Ity Pfd. 90 7-1; HUru till at S. X44 4-t: Tennaae Copper II 7-1: L'nlon Paclflo Com. 141 l-l; V.

n. Steel Com. 122 l-S; C. 8. Steel Pfd.

12S. WK Ab COTTOX Spot cotton was quoted in Annlston today at IS cent for goad middling, 17 7-S for strict middling and 17 1-1 for middling. NEW ORLEANS tXJTTOX Open High Clou Jan. H.C5" .1.5 1S.S1 lC.Iti Ma --47-. 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 9 July 17.4 17.64 17.43 17 5 Oct.

l.o 18.73 l.5t 1S.67 Dec, 16.19 14,73 14.54 16.61 Tune aleady; spot steady, 4 up; middling 17.59. NEW YORK COTTON Open High Low Close 1S.9S 17.07 1S.SS 11.11 nil 17.00 un- Jan. 1S.I0 1S.SI 11.10 17.30 16.93 1S.95 IS. II 17.07 1S.9S 1S.7S 1S.5S 11,20 11.04 17.05 1S.92 Mar, May July Oct. Dec Ton steady; spots quiet, changed: middling 11.90.

WEATHER CONDITIOSS MARKET INFLUENCES Chicago, April 22. (United Press) -Oraln price closed fractionally lower on the board of trade today. Weather -condition wer th influence" In local market. Th wheat market wa a nervous affair throughout th session and cluaed sharply lower In the May deliverlea and fractionally up In th deterred dellverls. Corn ahowed more Inherent strength than wheat but neverthe-leaa closed fractionally lower all along the line.

Brisk demand In th aat failed to hold oat abov th previous close and price when th session ended wer fractionally lower all along th line. Provisions closed irregular. WHEATS My Open 111, high 115 7-1, low 111 1-4. clos lit t-l (nw). May Open lit 1-6, high 114 l-S, low 111, close ill (old).

July Open 141 1-4. high 141 low 140 1-1. el6s 141 T-l. Sept-Opsn 111 1-t. high lid.

low 114 1-4, do 111 1-4. CORN: May Open II 7-1, high t4. low cIom tt l-l. JulyOpen 71 1-1. high 71 1-4.

low 77 1-4. clos Sept. Open 10 1-4, high 10 7-1, low 10. clos II I t. OAT8: May Open 41 7-1.

high 41 7-1, 41 1-1, clos 41 l-l. July 42 1-t. high 42 l-l. low 42, clos 42 1-4. Sept Open 42 7-1.

high 41, low 42 1-4. clos 41 l-S. RYE: May Open II, high II 1-2, low 10 l-l. clos 10 l-l. July Open 91 l-l.

high II t-l. low II l-l, clos II l-l. Sept-Open It, high 14 l-l, low II, do IS. BMow to stnr Lo Angele. An annual now-to-sur( rat la held (rom Lake Arrowhead to Newport-Balboa.

Tho participant go through several anow stunts, then by auto to th ea and finally change their winter garb for bathing suits and div from canoes. All contestants must carry full qulpment from th Urn they tart on th ski jump to th tlm they reach th briny dp. CLOCK DOES TRICKS Wt Chester, Pa. The town clock of West Chester vry day at noon casts a baseball from the It -Sv ANTED Oa cook atova or rang. Phone 101.

Position by eipert- encea Btenograpner ana ouu-7lteepr. Reference furnished. lit. It SI II cp -You to hav your "pjteeth mad over. one made -it very little cost.

1221 1-3 Noble treat. Il-ltp ''Xt'JCTED Mala help. Foreign work. Young men wanting to in South America write us for trfo particulars. Foreign Bureau, rpoiA, Fairvlow Office.

Detroit, Ttlch. ii -UP rtVANTED Experienced, male tl bookkeeper desirea araatl set of Mek to keep during afternoons. Phone 4T. WANTED Wicker chair and ta- ifl ble. Phone S7-W Oxford.

ii. JJ-3tp FOR SALE FOR SALE-Albert sys-" tern flat clarinet. In good condition. Cheap for cash. See Arthur Phillips, Annisten Star or call ,79.

'fon SALE Jlt'i Ford Coup )924 Bulck Sedan rvru vuuui Ebx Tourinr Plf Tourlrif I. IU Bulck Touring As adveVtlsed, we and. swap good used cara. Cooper Bona Motor Co. "Chryaler Automobllea" IK.

12 East 11th St. Phone XI7 21 II ep 1 tTOU SALE Bargain la large Burrougha Adding. Machine. 6am IT 10th St. 21 -Itp -FRECKLES AND fflS 4 I i.

ct: i I i 'V "i 'j i I i 'V..

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